Friday 27 April 2012

Tahanan yang melarikan diri

Today is the day that I usually always go home in the village, but because of rain fell in torrents and the like - will not stop, so I took the conclusion to cancel the trip, and besides there tomorrow Saturday programming by lecturers bambang college. I am now in telecoms, I take a break while online.
shelter when the road was, I hear parents talk about the prisoners who escaped from prison Baruga. About this prisoner, he was a man of black magic, and had killed two people a woman who is his own girlfriend, he has received the death penalty for his actions. but now he's hanging around outside the prison, this would constitute a threat to the people.

Tuesday 24 April 2012

new knowledge and the love survive

Today I got some knowledge of PHP, though a simple but useful for web database sister.
I will slowly improve all parts of the web.

although I'm not perfect, but I always feel happy, although I'm not with my beloved ones, but I could always feel his presence in my heart.